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by Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance

Start the year off strong with these health tips!

Dad and daughter riding on a skateboard on a sidewalk

When we think of the new year, we think about celebrating the past year’s achievements and forgetting the disappointments. It can also be a second chance to accomplish new resolutions. Making sure that you bring in the new year with a positive mindset and realistic, attainable goals is a critical piece of making sure your new year is merry and bright! 


Top 5 health tips for the new year  


  1. Try to focus your goals on behavior change - Instead of making the goal of losing 20 pounds, make the goal focused on what behavior changes are needed to lose those 20 pounds. An example of this could be eating two fruits and two vegetables a day, drinking 100 ounces of water a day, going to the gym three times a week, etc. These lifestyle behavior changes will last you long after those 20 pounds are gone. 

  1. Think long term first - Think about what your goals are going to be in the next three years. A long-term goal could be, “I want to feel comfortable in a bathing suit” or “I want to run a half marathon in the next three years.”  

  1. Think short term second - Think about short-term goals in the next six months – one year that can help prepare you for your long-term goals. This could be creating a workout schedule, making a food plan or joining a gym with reoccurring classes.  

  1. Set time limits and make sure to be specific - Being specific when creating short-term goals can help you stick to those goals. Also, set time limits on activities and know exactly what you want to complete before beginning so you have an end to the journey. An example of how specific you can be could look like this: I will do full-body workouts two times a week at the gym from noon-1 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning Jan. 4.  

  1. Think outside the box - Your new year’s goals don’t always have to be about your physical health, think about setting a goal for a few different aspects of your wellness. This can include mental, financial, spiritual and emotional health, too. A few examples include creating a budget, meditating at the start and end of your day, reading before bed or joining a group or club that participates in activities that you enjoy. 

Are new year’s resolutions good for my health?  


Yes! It is always a great idea to set goals to better yourself. If you are having a tough time setting a goal this year, that is okay! Try writing down the things that are most important to you; this is a great way to start brainstorming ideas for your new resolutions.  


For example, is your family a priority in your life? Great, maybe your resolution can be to plan a fun family night once a month this year for a unique way to increase the amount of family time you have. H2 Title: How do I maintain my new year’s resolutions for the entire year?  


One of the best ways to make sure that you are putting your new year’s resolutions to work is to tell someone you know will help hold you accountable. Sometimes it is easier to let ourselves down than it is to let the people close to us down. Therefore, having someone to ask you occasionally how your goals are going is a great way to make sure you are keeping up with them all year round! 


The beginning of each year is the perfect time to have a fresh start. Reflect on the past, but don’t dwell on it. Life is unexpected and the new year is the perfect time to create new goals, evaluate your life and character and have a positive outlook for the next year to come!